Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rain instead of Sun

So today Jaydon had a yummy lunch and it's easier now to just ditch the bib and let him eat naked! Easier to wipe down! However he is very into rubbing his hands all in his adorable curls during or after his meal, I guess it's instead of a napkin?

Just love this age more and more, he is doing more things and seems to really understand some of the things I say! It's exciting to see the little wheels turning in his mind! Especially when I tell him "no". He usually goes with the "let me pretend I don't know what she's saying, then smile really cute", which makes it even harder to be firm with my no!

He's so goofy sometimes! Makes me laugh all the time! You don't realize how much fun each stage is until you get to the next one! :) 

This is his "really I'm all done with pictures now" face :)

So that was lunch time, he usually ends with throwing his cup off the highchair, but we are working on
handing it to me when he's done instead! He's doing pretty good :) 

Have a great rest of the rainy day today